
l’Express : Un implant cérébral traduit des pensées en mots

Article paru sur le site l’express : Arnaud Lefebvre 30 avril 2019

Toujours présenter la recherche pour les possibles applications bénéfiques et médicales. Rien au sujet du contrôle politique, de la domination etc… Lire dans les pensées est traité comme si on avait présenté une nouvelle variété de salade… News reprise par l’indé, à la rubrique santé entre une article sur l’allaitement et un autre traitant de l’obésité. C’est dire l’importance qui est donnée à la chose !

Il est désormais possible de traduire directement les pensées humaines en mots grâce aux technologies numériques, indique une étude menée par des scientifiques de l’Université de Californie. Selon cette nouvelle étude, l’activité électrique dans le cerveau peut être décodée et utilisée pour synthétiser la parole.

Il s’agit d’une technologie qui pourrait redonner la parole aux personnes souffrant de graves troubles du langage.

Durant leurs expériences, les scientifiques ont demandé à des sujets de lire plusieurs centaines de phrases à voix haute. Ils ont ensuite enregistré les signaux du cerveau grâce à des électrodes. « L’étude ne cherchait pas à transformer des pensées abstraites, mais bien à comprendre les instructions concrètes envoyées par le cerveau aux muscles du visage et à déterminer, à partir de cela, quels mots ces mouvements formeraient », expliquent les scientifiques.


« La technologie en est encore à ses débuts », souligne Edward Chang, directeur de recherche, neuroscientifique à l’Université de Californie. « Mais pour la première fois, cette étude démontre que nous pouvons générer des phrases parlées entières basées sur l’activité cérébrale d’un individu. Grâce à cette technologie, nous devrions être en mesure de construire un dispositif cliniquement viable chez les patients souffrant de perte de la parole. »

Dans un premier temps, une électrode est implantée dans le cerveau pour enregistrer les commandes électriques qui contrôlent l’organe de la parole. L’analyse audio directe permet de déterminer les muscles et les mouvements impliqués lors de l’acte de parole. Ces mouvements sont incorporés dans une sorte de modèle virtuel du système vocal de la personne. Les chercheurs cartographient ensuite l’activité cérébrale dans le modèle virtuel à l’aide d’un système d’apprentissage automatique.

« Le discours de synthèse qui en résulte, même s’il n’est pas totalement clair, est certainement intelligible. Avec une configuration correcte, on aboutit à la production de 150 mots par minute pour personne qui est incapable de parler. »

« Nous avons encore du chemin à faire pour imiter parfaitement le langage parlé », soulignent les chercheurs. Néanmoins, les niveaux de précision atteints constituent une amélioration incroyable de la communication en temps réel par rapport à ce qui est actuellement possible.

« La collecte de ces données d’enregistrement du cerveau et de la parole pourrait se faire de manière préventive dans les cas où un accident vasculaire cérébral ou une dégénérescence est considéré comme un risque », précisent les scientifiques.

Lecture cérébrale

« Divers troubles neurologiques peuvent endommager ou détruire le langage d’un patient », expliquent les chercheurs. « De nombreux patients utilisent actuellement des applications utilisant les mouvements de la tête ou des yeux pour former des lettres. Cependant, cela nécessite un travail particulièrement intensif. «

Dans la prochaine phase de l’étude, les scientifiques espèrent également trouver une solution pour les personnes qui n’ont jamais été en mesure de communiquer verbalement. Ils souhaitent également améliorer de manière significative la qualité de leur technologie.

Les chercheurs soulignent enfin que leurs systèmes ne sont pas assimilables à une lecture de l’esprit. Il s’agit d’une lecture cérébrale, précisent-ils. L’étude n’a surveillé que les régions du cerveau qui orchestrent les mouvements de l’appareil vocal lors d’un discours conscient.



Article paru sur le site l’express : 25/04/19

Un implant cérébral qui transforme les pensées en paroles

Des scientifiques de l’Université de Californie, à San Francisco ont mis au point un implant cérébral qui peut lire dans l’esprit des gens et transformer leurs pensées en paroles. Une découverte « exaltante » qui donne l’espoir d’un jour rendre la parole aux personnes ayant perdu cette faculté.

En pratique, cette technologie de lecture mentale fonctionne en deux étapes. Tout d’abord, une électrode est implantée dans le cerveau pour capter les signaux électriques qui font fonctionner les lèvres, la langue, la boîte vocale et la mâchoire. Ensuite, un ordinateur interprète ces signaux et peut alors simuler la manière dont les mouvements de la bouche et de la gorge formeraient les sons. Résultat: on obtient un discours synthétisé qui sort d’un « conduit vocal virtuel ». »Pour la première fois, cette étude démontre qu’il est possible de générer des phrases orales entières à partir de l’activité cérébrale d’un individu », a déclaré le professeur Edward Chang, l’un des chercheurs qui a travaillé sur ce projet. « C’est une preuve exaltante qu’avec une technologie déjà à portée de main, nous devrions être en mesure de construire un appareil cliniquement viable pour les patients qui présentent une perte de la parole ».
Si les premiers résultats sont prometteurs, cet implant nécessite toutefois encore quelques ajustements. Lors d’une expérience au cours de laquelle cinq personnes ont lu des centaines de phrases différentes, les auditeurs ont pu discerner ce qui était dit 70% du temps grâce à une liste de mots à choisir.De nombreux problèmes de santé peuvent entraîner une perte de la parole, comme les maladies neurodégénératives telles que Parkinson ou la sclérose en plaques, le cancer de la gorge, des lésions cérébrales ou certains AVC. L’implant pourra donc aider certaines personnes atteintes de ces maladies… mais pas toutes.Puisque cette technologie se sert des parties du cerveau qui contrôlent les lèvres, la langue, la boîte vocale et la mâchoire, les patients victimes de certains types d’accidents vasculaires cérébraux ne pourront ainsi pas en bénéficier. « Cet implant n’est pas la solution pour tous ceux qui ne peuvent pas communiquer « , a précisé le professeur Chang. Mais selon les chercheurs, il pourra, dans un futur lointain, aider des personnes qui n’ont jamais parlé, dont des enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale.


Armes electroniques

Les armes V2K, manipulation des êtres humains.


La très étrange page web de l’armée sur les armes « Voice-to-Skull » a été supprimée. C’était étrange qu’il soit là, et c’est encore plus étrange qu’il soit parti. Si vous le recherchez sur Google, vous verrez l’entrée pour « Voice-to-Skull device », mais, si vous cliquez sur le site, le lien est mort.

L’article, toujours disponible sur le site Web de la Federation of American Scientists, se lit comme suit :

Arme non létale qui comprend (1) un dispositif neuroélectromagnétique qui utilise la transmission par micro-ondes de sons dans le crâne de personnes ou d’animaux au moyen d’un rayonnement micro-ondes modulé par impulsions ; et (2) un dispositif sonore silencieux qui peut transmettre les sons dans le crâne de personnes ou d’animaux. REMARQUE : La modulation sonore peut être des messages vocaux ou audio subliminaux. Une des applications de V2K est l’épouvantail électronique pour effrayer les oiseaux à proximité des aéroports.

Le groupe britannique Christians Against Mental Slavery (Chrétiens contre l’esclavage mental) a noté le changement pour la première fois (ils ont aussi une copie d’écran permanente de la page). Un représentant du groupe me dit qu’ils ont contacté le webmestre, qui leur a seulement dit que l’entrée était « définitivement supprimée ».

L’image ci-dessus est une représentation autoproclamée par une personne de la façon dont une arme « voix vers crâne » pourrait fonctionner.

The Army’s very strange webpage on « Voice-to-Skull » weapons has been removed. It was strange it was there, and it’s even stranger it’s gone. If you Google it, you’ll see the entry for « Voice-to-Skull device, » but, if you click on the website, the link is dead.

The entry, still available on the Federation of American Scientists‘ website reads:

Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.

The U.K.-based group Christians Against Mental Slavery first noted the change (they also have a permanent screenshot of the page). A representative of the group tells me they contacted the Webmaster, who would only tell them the entry was « permanently removed. »

The image above is one person’s self-styled depiction of how a « voice-to-skull » weapon might work.




Armes electroniques

Clubic : Un laser capable de vous envoyer un son sans que personne d’autre ne l’entende.

Des chercheurs du MIT ont mis au point un dispositif permettant d’envoyer un son directement à l’oreille d’une personne. Reposant sur un système de laser, il est capable de transmettre précisément un signal audio, de sorte que seul le destinataire puisse l’entendre.

Et si on pouvait transmettre les sons aussi précisément que la lumière via un laser ? C’est le résultat qu’ont obtenu des chercheurs du Laboratoire Lincoln, du MIT (États-Unis).

Lumière + vapeur d’eau = son

Les scientifiques se sont en effet inspirés du fonctionnement du laser. Leur système repose sur la photoacoustique, c’est-à-dire la génération d’ondes sonores à partir d’interactions entre la lumière et la matière. En l’occurrence, c’est la vapeur d’eau contenue dans l’air qui réagit avec l’émetteur laser élaboré par les chercheurs, pour produire le signal audio.

De plus, les auteurs de l’étude ont réussi à exploiter une longueur d’onde fortement absorbée par l’eau, ce qui permet d’augmenter la puissance et la qualité du son produit. Par conséquent, leur dispositif peut fonctionner même dans un environnement relativement sec, ne nécessitant qu’une quantité restreinte de vapeur d’eau.

Un « laser sonore » précis et sûr

Le système ainsi créé permet donc de générer un flux audio et de le transmettre de façon précise jusqu’à son destinataire, et uniquement à celui-ci, même dans un environnement bruyant. Et ce, sans risque pour les yeux ni la peau.

Les tests réalisés ont prouvé son efficacité à une distance de 2,5 m, ce qui reste encore assez limité. Mais d’après les scientifiques, ce résultat n’a été obtenu qu’avec du matériel disponible dans le commerce, et cette performance pourrait donc être aisément améliorée. Ce qui offrirait la possibilité de chuchoter à l’oreille d’une personne, à plusieurs mètres de distance.

Source : BGR

Toujours présenté pour une bonne cause, en omettant les graves dérives possibles. Il n’ échappera bien évidement qu’à l’auteur de l’article, que ceci rend obsolète les diagnostiques psychiatriques concernant la schizophrénie. Tellement insignifiant qu’il est absolument inutile de le mentionner… De même, est il bien nécessaire de parler de voice to skull, la « voix de Dieu » ?

WASHINGTON — Researchers have demonstrated that a laser can transmit an audible message to a person without any type of receiver equipment. The ability to send highly targeted audio signals over the air could be used to communicate across noisy rooms or warn individuals of a dangerous situation such as an active shooter.

New Technology Uses Lasers to Transmit Audible Messages to Specific People

Photoacoustic communication approach could send warning messages through the air without requiring a receiving device

WASHINGTON — Researchers have demonstrated that a laser can transmit an audible message to a person without any type of receiver equipment. The ability to send highly targeted audio signals over the air could be used to communicate across noisy rooms or warn individuals of a dangerous situation such as an active shooter.


In The Optical Society (OSA) journal Optics Letters, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory report using two different laser-based methods to transmit various tones, music and recorded speech at a conversational volume.

“Our system can be used from some distance away to beam information directly to someone’s ear,” said research team leader Charles M. Wynn. “It is the first system that uses lasers that are fully safe for the eyes and skin to localize an audible signal to a particular person in any setting.”

Creating sound from air

The new approaches are based on the photoacoustic effect, which occurs when a material forms sound waves after absorbing light. In this case, the researchers used water vapor in the air to absorb light and create sound.

“This can work even in relatively dry conditions because there is almost always a little water in the air, especially around people,” said Wynn. “We found that we don’t need a lot of water if we use a laser wavelength that is very strongly absorbed by water. This was key because the stronger absorption leads to more sound.”

One of the new sound transmission methods grew from a technique called dynamic photoacoustic spectroscopy (DPAS), which the researchers previously developed for chemical detection. In the earlier work, they discovered that scanning, or sweeping, a laser beam at the speed of sound could improve chemical detection.

“The speed of sound is a very special speed at which to work,” said Ryan M. Sullenberger, first author of the paper. “In this new paper, we show that sweeping a laser beam at the speed of sound at a wavelength absorbed by water can be used as an efficient way to create sound.”

Laboratory tests

In the lab, the researchers showed that commercially available equipment could transmit sound to a person more than 2.5 meters away at 60 decibels using the laser sweeping technique. They believe that the system could be easily scaled up to longer distances. They also tested a traditional photoacoustic method that doesn’t require sweeping the laser and encodes the audio message by modulating the power of the laser beam.

“There are tradeoffs between the two techniques,” said Sullenberger. “The traditional photoacoustics method provides sound with higher fidelity, whereas the laser sweeping provides sound with louder audio.”

Next, the researchers plan to demonstrate the methods outdoors at longer ranges. “We hope that this will eventually become a commercial technology,” said Sullenberger. “There are a lot of exciting possibilities, and we want to develop the communication technology in ways that are useful.”

Paper: R. M. Sullenberger, S. Kaushik, C. M. Wynn. “Photoacoustic communications: delivering audible signals via absorption of light by atmospheric H2O,” Opt. Lett., 44, 3, 622-625 (2019).

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Armes electroniques

Manipulation du système nerveux humain à travers les écrans

Il est difficile de trouver des informations sur un certain Hendricus G. Loos, malgré le fait qu’il ait déposé plusieurs demandes de brevet, avec succès, pour des appareils qui traitent de la manipulation du système nerveux humain via un écran d’ordinateur ou un moniteur de télévision. En résumé, il explique ce qui suit :

“Des effets physiologiques ont été observés chez un sujet humain en réponse à une stimulation de la peau avec des champs électromagnétiques faibles qui sont pulsés à des fréquences proches de ½ Hz ou 2,4 Hz, tels que l’excitation d’une résonance sensorielle. De nombreux écrans d’ordinateurs et de téléviseurs, lorsqu’ils affichent des images pulsées, émettent des champs électromagnétiques pulsés d’amplitude suffisante pour provoquer une telle excitation. Il est donc possible de manipuler le système nerveux d’un sujet par des images pulsantes affichées sur un écran d’ordinateur ou un téléviseur à proximité. Dans ce dernier cas, l’impulsion d’image peut être insérée dans le matériel de programme, ou elle peut être superposée en modulant un flux vidéo, soit comme signal RF, soit comme signal vidéo. L’image affichée sur un écran d’ordinateur peut être pulsée efficacement par un simple programme informatique. Pour certains moniteurs, des champs électromagnétiques pulsés capables de résonances sensorielles excitantes chez des sujets proches peuvent être générés même si les images affichées sont pulsées avec une intensité subliminale.”

Ce qui est préoccupant à ce sujet, comme l’explique le brevet, c’est que même une pulsation très faible peut avoir des effets néfastes sur le système nerveux humain.

Il poursuit en décrivant que la variabilité et la force des impulsions peuvent être contrôlées à l’aide d’un logiciel et explique, en ce qui concerne un moniteur d’ordinateur, des DVD, des cassettes vidéo et plus encore, comment il est possible de les commander à distance à partir d’un autre endroit.

La partie la plus inquiétante est peut-être celle-ci :

“Certains moniteurs peuvent émettre des impulsions de champ électromagnétique qui excitent une résonance sensorielle chez un sujet proche, par des impulsions d’image si faibles qu’elles sont subliminales. C’est dommage, car cela ouvre la voie à une application malicieuse de l’invention, qui expose les gens à manipuler involontairement leur système nerveux pour les besoins de quelqu’un d’autre. Une telle application serait contraire à l’éthique et n’est évidemment pas recommandée. C’est mentionné ici afin d’alerter le public sur la possibilité d’abus cachés qui peuvent se produire en ligne, ou en regardant la télévision, une vidéo ou un DVD.”

L’application est pleine d’exemples cités que “le système nerveux d’un sujet peut être manipulé par des impulsions électromagnétiques émises par un tube cathodique ou un moniteur LCD qui affiche des images avec une intensité pulsée”.

Notre système nerveux contrôle tout dans notre corps, y compris le cerveau. C’est un réseau de nerfs et de cellules qui transmettent des messages du cerveau et de la moelle épinière à diverses parties du corps, et ce n’est un secret pour personne que le gouvernement des États-Unis, entre autres, a une longue histoire d’expériences sur des êtres humains à des fins de contrôle mental. La télévision pourrait-elle être une tactique de contrôle mental ? Cela expliquerait pourquoi tant de gens croient aux histoires et aux explications d’événements qui leur sont présentés par les médias grand public, instantanément, sans même se poser des questions.

Dans certains cas, nous sommes faits pour idolâtrer ce que nous voyons à la télé, comme des célébrités, et imiter le comportement et les désirs.

Parfois, une perspective qui est étayée par des preuves, qui contrecarre complètement l’histoire et l’information que nous recevons des médias grand public, est jetée dans le “monde de la conspiration”. C’est dangereux, avons-nous atteint un point où nos télévisions réfléchissent pour nous ? Pourraient-elles utiliser les techniques décrites ci-dessus pour influencer nos pensées, nos comportements et nos perceptions ?

Compte tenu de ce que nous savons de nos gouvernements et des mesures contraires à l’éthique qu’ils ont prises tout au long de l’histoire, ce n’est vraiment pas inenvisageable.

Il y a une raison pour laquelle les avions et les hôpitaux interdisent l’utilisation des téléphones cellulaires, c’est parce que leurs transmissions électromagnétiques interfèrent avec les appareils électriques critiques. Le cerveau n’est pas différent, c’est un organe bioélectrique extrêmement complexe qui génère des champs électriques. Les scientifiques peuvent en fait contrôler le fonctionnement du cerveau grâce à la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT), une technique qui utilise de puissantes impulsions de rayonnement électromagnétique émises dans le cerveau d’une personne pour brouiller ou exciter des circuits cérébraux particuliers.

C’est le même genre de chose que celle décrite dans le brevet, alors dans quelle mesure nos écrans d’ordinateur et de télévision le font-ils ? C’est pourquoi, par exemple, lorsque quelqu’un allume sa Playstation, l’écran lui demande de lire les informations importantes sur la santé avant de jouer. Des recherches ont également démontré que les simples transmissions par téléphone cellulaire peuvent affecter de façon assez significative les ondes cérébrales d’une personne, ce qui à son tour a des effets sur son comportement.

“Le rayonnement électromagnétique peut avoir un effet sur le comportement mental quand il émet à la bonne fréquence.” James Horne, du Centre de recherche sur le sommeil de l’Université de Loughborough (source)

Non seulement cela, mais des centaines de scientifiques se sont rassemblés et sont en train de sensibiliser les Nations Unies aux effets des rayonnements électromagnétiques sur la santé et de faire des pétitions à ce sujet.

L’initiative a été lancée par le Dr Martin Blank, Ph.D. du Département de physiologie et de biophysique cellulaire de l’Université de Colombie, qui s’est joint à un groupe de scientifiques du monde entier pour lancer un appel international aux Nations Unies concernant les dangers liés à l’utilisation de divers dispositifs émettant des émissions électromagnétiques, tels que les téléphones cellulaires et le WiFi.

Le Dr Martin Blank, du Département de physiologie et de biophysique cellulaire de l’Université Columbia, a déclaré dans un message vidéo : “Ils endommagent les cellules vivantes de notre corps et tuent beaucoup d’entre nous prématurément.”

“Nous avons créé quelque chose qui nous nuit, et cela devient incontrôlable. Avant l’ampoule d’Edison, il y avait très peu de rayonnement électromagnétique dans notre environnement. Les niveaux d’aujourd’hui sont beaucoup plus élevés que les niveaux naturels, et ils augmentent rapidement à cause de tous les nouveaux appareils qui émettent ce rayonnement.”

Cette information est un effet séparé sur le corps du contrôle de l’esprit, mais il est toujours important de mentionner et d’apporter de la lumière.

Non seulement nos appareils électroniques surveillent, observent et enregistrent tout ce que nous faisons, mais ils peuvent aussi influencer notre comportement, nos perceptions, nos pensées et nos sentiments à grande échelle, mais qui sait si “les pouvoirs en place” utilisent ces appareils pour contrôler l’esprit, de la même manière qu’ils les utilisent pour surveiller.

Ne vous méprenez pas, il n’est pas difficile de voir comment les entreprises utilisent la télévision pour influencer notre comportement et nos perceptions, mais peut-être qu’elles, et d’autres autorités, sont en train de changer les choses, comme nous l’avons mentionné plus haut, et de manipuler nos systèmes nerveux à des fins personnelles et en connaissance de cause.

Chamath Palihapitiya, vice-président responsable de la croissance des utilisateurs de Facebook avant de quitter l’entreprise en 2011, a déclaré : “Les boucles de rétroaction à court terme, basées sur la dopamine, que nous avons créées, détruisent le fonctionnement de la société. Pas de discours civil, pas de coopération, de désinformation, que du mensonge. Donc, nous voyons un genre de chose similaire là-bas aussi.”

En matière de contrôle mental, le projet MK ultra était le bébé de la CIA. On croit généralement que ce n’est que du LSD qui a été utilisé sur des sujets humains, mais ce n’était qu’un seul programme. Comme la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis l’a révélé en 1985, MK ultra consistait en 162 projets secrets différents qui étaient indirectement financés par la CIA, et sous-traités à plusieurs universités, fondations de recherche et institutions similaires. La majorité des enregistrements du MK Ultra ont été détruits et n’ont jamais été vus.

Peut-être que la programmation télévisuelle faisait-elle partie du programme MK Ultra ?

Observations finales

Il est difficile d’imaginer que nous pourrions être manipulés et utilisés à des fins de profit, de contrôle et autres, mais c’est une réalité à laquelle nous devons faire face. Il y a d’innombrables exemples de ceci tout au long de l’histoire jusqu’à nos jours, et tous les aspects de la vie humaine semblent être contrôlés par un petit groupe très sélect du domaine de la santé, des finances, de l’éducation, du divertissement, de la grande nourriture et plus encore. Nous sommes devenus des outils pour leur utilisation, et nos pensées, nos comportements et nos perceptions, pour la plupart, semblent être les mêmes. S’ils sont un peu différents, ou s’ils ne s’adaptent pas vraiment au cadre, on peut être instantanément étiqueté ou devenir un “paria social”.

Il ne fait aucun doute dans mon esprit que notre télévision et d’autres appareils électroniques ont des effets nocifs sur la santé, et qu’ils ont ou peuvent avoir des effets sur notre système nerveux de plusieurs façons différentes. Les données scientifiques à ce sujet sont claires, mais ce qui est moins clair, c’est l’idée qu’il y en a d’autres qui utilisent ces techniques, sciemment, pour contrôler nos esprits.

D’après toutes mes recherches sur le contrôle mental, les mesures prises par nos gouvernements et la mesure dans laquelle ils les ont prises, je serais surpris que la télévision ne fasse pas partie du programme MK Ultra.

À toutes et à tous, c’est une autre bonne raison de passer moins de temps devant votre écran, et plus de temps avec un livre, passer du temps à l’extérieur, ou avec la famille et les amis. S’il y a une chose qui est certaine, c’est que nos écrans nuisent à notre santé de plusieurs façons.



Source : Collective Evolution

Armes electroniques

Marc Filterman – Les armes de l’ombre

Marc Filterman a acquis son premier radar en 1976. Il a débuté sa carrière à l’armée de l’air, qu’il a quittée en 1985 pour se consacrer à des recherches sur l’électronique de défense. Il a effectué 10 ans de recherche sur les radars et 30 ans de recherche sur les risques des champs électromagnétiques et sur la manipulation du climat.

En relation avec des experts du monde entier, il est devenu l’un des meilleurs spécialistes de la guerre non conventionnelle, ce qu’a confirmé le succès de la première édition de « Les armes de l’ombre » en 1999.


Je me permet de mettre à disposition quelques pages sélectionnées de ce livre. On pourra y trouver les armes qui son utilisées dans le phénomène » Gang Stalking », harcèlement en réseau et voice to skull (V2K). On pourra conclure à l’issue de cette lecture, qu’il existe des systèmes électroniques utilisant des ondes (invisibles, donc concrètement des victimes d’ armes invisibles) permettant entre autre de pulser des voix à distance sur un individu déterminé. De quoi rendre obsolète un tas de diagnostiques psychiatriques. C’est extrêmement grave dans la mesure ou la psychiatrie continue en 2018 à priver de droits et enfermer des personnes sur la base de diagnostiques erronés. Ceux des victimes qui ne sont pas enfermés voient leur vie rendue un véritable calvaire, malgré tout. On peut se poser la question de la dangerosité de l’exposition perpétuelle (24/24) à ce types d’ondes, en plus de l’électro-smog ambiant. Sans etre génie ou devin on peut se douter que de se terreau propice naîtront bien plus facilement les cellules cancéreuses, diminuant ainsi l’espérance de vie des Targeted Individuals.





Maintenant, vous qui ne passez pas nombreux par ici, essayez de vous imaginer étant la cible d’une ou plusieurs des ces armes invisibles. Imaginez vous la cible d’un groupe qui tente d’influencer votre comportement…

De là, imaginez vous en train de demander de l’aide, vous serez confrontés à la seule réponse qu’offre de nos jours la société. L’enfermement avec hautes doses de molécules pharmaceutiques qui vous empêcheront de réfléchir et d’être vous même. De quoi effectivement devenir fou, ou se suicider ou de vivre un calvaire sans nom d’une durée indéterminée (probablement jusqu’à la fin)  28 ans en ce qui me concerne.

Articles de presse

La TMS pourrait être utilisée pour contrôler l’esprit, par Michael Persinger

Michael Persinger  a fait des recherches sur le Casque de dieu (god elmet) dans le cadre d’une étude en neurosciences sur les effets de la stimulation des lobes temporaux1 et a eu un certain retentissement. Les participants ont rapporté« l’impression d’une présence » (ou « sensation d’une présence éthérée dans la pièce ») alors qu’ils portaient le casque. Plusieurs documentaires télévisés et divers médias ont rapporté le phénomène en utilisant l’expression « casque de dieu »

Dans un article d’avril 2002 sur Wired, il est question des différents usages et techniques de la stimulation magnétique trans-crânienne (TMS) (<- comme d’habitude, sur la fiche wikipedia, c’est le rêve, on ne voit que les applications positives et médicales, Bisounours-Land). Nous avons décidé de partir à la découverte du chercheur américain en neurosciences cognitives et professeur d’université Michael A. Persinger, qui avance que la TMS pourrait être utilisée pour contrôler l’esprit, dans un article publié en 1995 dans Perceptual and Motor Skills Volume 80, Issue 3, June 1995: 791–799., titré « On the possibility of directly accessing every human brain by electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms. »

En effet, Persinger cherche à identifier et à cataloguer les algorithmes fondamentaux, une série d’impulsions magnétiques spécifiques qui correspondent à une réaction donnée dans le cerveau. Sans surprise, la technologie est considérée comme potentiellement dangereuse. La TMS est considérée comme une technologie inexacte, mais les chercheurs ont tout juste commencé à explorer son potentiel en neurosciences. L’article suivant traite donc de la possibilité d’influencer le cerveau humain grâce aux ondes électromagnétiques.

La communication au sein du cerveau humain est assurée par les échanges de signaux électriques (influx nerveux) entre les neurones. Ces échanges sont la source de l’ensemble des processus qui se produisent dans le cerveau, et ce chez tous les êtres humains. Partant de ce constat, Persinger étudie l’opportunité d’interférer dans ces processus sur un groupe de personnes grâce aux ondes électromagnétiques, même à distance. Il présente plusieurs exemples d’expériences sur l’homme ou l’animal issus de la recherche académique afin de soutenir sa démonstration.

L’objectif assumé de ce document est de démontrer publiquement qu’il est techniquement possible de parvenir à une telle prouesse, ce qui implique un risque lié à l’utilisation inappropriée de ces technologies. (<- faudra lui dire que certains ne l’ont pas attendus…)

Depuis la rédaction de cet article, de nombreux progrès ont été faits sur la stimulation magnétique trans-crânienne (TMS). Cette technique est désormais utilisée couramment dans le milieu médical par exemple, et est la base de nombreux projets innovants.

Parmi ces projets :

– La TMS pourrait être employée sur des foules indifférenciées afin de manipuler l’activité de leurs cerveaux et ainsi modifier leurs états d’esprit. L’application pourrait être utilisée à des fins de maintien de l’ordre ou même comme arme militaire. ( > voir l’article)

– La société Axilum Robotics développe actuellement un robot afin d’automatiser la TMS. L’entreprise a réussi l’exploit d’envoyer le premier message par télépathie à l’aide de la TMS.

– Un rapport de 2013 du Comité Consultatif National d’Éthique pour les Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé traite des stimulants cognitifs, de la stimulation électrique transcrânienne directe, de la stimulation cérébrale focale et profonde et de la stimulation magnétique trans-crânienne. (> voir l’article)

– Plusieurs équipes indépendantes de chercheurs issus d’universités prestigieuses travaillent sur des interfaces « cerveau-à-cerveau » fonctionnant grâce à la TMS. (> voir l’article)




C’est le genre de sujet qui devrait avoir sa place dans les grands médias nationaux, mais ceux-ci préfèrent couvrir la météo, c’est vrai, début février c’est tellement incroyable 10 cm de neige, un événement qui mérite bien qu’on en parle pendant une semaine sur toutes les chaînes.

Armes electroniques

Brevets – Patents en lien avec le mind control

Directed Energy Weapon and Electronic Warfare Relevant Patents:



Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brain State
Patent #: US6488617 B1
Publication date: Dec 3, 2002
Filing date: Oct 13, 2000



A method and device for the production of a desired brain state in an individual contain means for monitoring and analyzing the brain state while a set of one or more magnets produce fields that alter this state. A computational system alters various parameters of the magnetic fields in order to close the gap between the actual and desired brain state. This feedback process operates continuously until the gap is minimized and/or removed.




Pulsative Manipulation of Nervous Systems
Patent #: US6091994 A
Publication date: Jul 18, 2000
Filing date: Aug 31, 1998



Method and apparatus for manipulating the nervous system by imparting subliminal pulsative cooling to the subject’s skin at a frequency that is suitable for the excitation of a sensory resonance. At present, two major sensory resonances are known, with frequencies near 1/2 Hz and 2.4 Hz. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance causes relaxation, sleepiness, ptosis of the eyelids, a tonic smile, a « knot » in the stomach, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used. The 2.4 Hz resonance causes the slowing of certain cortical activities, and is characterized by a large increase of the time needed to silently count backward from 100 to 60, with the eyes closed. The invention can be used by the general public for inducing relaxation, sleep, or sexual excitement, and clinically for the control and perhaps a treatment of tremors, seizures, and autonomic system disorders such as panic attacks. Embodiments shown are a pulsed fan to impart subliminal cooling pulses to the subject’s skin, and a silent device which induces periodically varying flow past the subject’s skin, the flow being induced by pulsative rising warm air plumes that are caused by a thin resistive wire which is periodically heated by electric current pulses.




Multifunctional Radio Frequency Directed Energy System
Patent #: US7629918 B2
Publication date: Dec 8, 2009
Filing date: Dec 15, 2005



An RFDE system includes an RFDE transmitter and at least one RFDE antenna. The RFDE transmitter and antenna direct high power electromagnetic energy towards a target sufficient to cause high energy damage or disruption of the target. The RFDE system further includes a targeting system for locating the target. The targeting system includes a radar transmitter and at least one radar antenna for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic energy to locate the target. The RFDE system also includes an antenna pointing system for aiming the at least one RFDE antenna at the target based on the location of the target as ascertained by the targeting system. Moreover, at least a portion of the radar transmitter or the at least one radar antenna is integrated within at least a portion of the RFDE transmitter or the at least one RFDE antenna.




Method and Device for Implementing the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect
Patent #: US6470214 B1
Publication date: Oct 22, 2002
Filing date: Dec 13, 1996



A modulation process with a fully suppressed carrier and input preprocessor filtering to produce an encoded output; for amplitude modulation (AM) and audio speech preprocessor filtering, intelligible subjective sound is produced when the encoded signal is demodulated using the RF Hearing Effect. Suitable forms of carrier suppressed modulation include single sideband (SSB) and carrier suppressed amplitude modulation (CSAM), with both sidebands present.




Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect
Patent #: US6587729 B2
Publication date: Jul 1, 2003
Filing date: Apr 24, 2002



A modulation process with a fully suppressed carrier and input preprocessor filtering to produce an encoded output; for amplitude modulation (AM) and audio speech preprocessor filtering, intelligible subjective sound is produced when the encoded signal is demodulated using the RF Hearing Effect. Suitable forms of carrier suppressed modulation include single sideband (SSB) and carrier suppressed amplitude modulation (CSAM), with both sidebands present.




[RF Energy] Hearing Systems
Patent #: US3629521 A
Publication date: Dec 21, 1971
Filing date: Jan 8, 1970



The present invention relates to the stimulation of the sensation of hearing in persons of impaired hearing abilities or in certain cases persons totally deaf utilizing RF energy. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method and apparatus for imparting synchronous AF or «  »acoustic » signals and so-called « transdermal » or RF signals. Hearing and improved speech discrimination, in accordance with one aspect of the present invention, is stimulated by the application of an AF acoustical signal to the « ear system » conventional biomechanism of hearing, which is delivered to the brain through the « normal » channels of hearing and a separate transdermal RF electrical signal which is applied to the « facial nerve system » and is detectable as a sensation of hearing. Vastly improved and enhanced hearing may be achieved…




Microwave Hearing Device
Patent #: US4858612 A
Publication date: Aug 22, 1989
Filing date: Dec 19, 1983



A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone.




[Microwave] Hearing System
Patent #: US4877027 A
Publication date: Oct 31, 1989
Filing date: Jun 6, 1988



Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.




Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and/or use of Brain Activity
Patent #: US6011991 A
Publication date: Jan 4, 2000
Filing date: Dec 7, 1998



A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal.




Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves
Patent #: US3951134 A
Publication date: Apr 20, 1976
Filing date: Aug 5, 1974



Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein




Method and Apparatus for the Detection of Objects Using Electromagnetic Wave Attenuation Patterns
Patent #: US7952511 B1
Publication date: May 31st 2011
Filing date: April 7th 1999



A method for detecting an object, comprising the steps of defining expected characteristics of scattered electromagnetic radiation to be received at a receiver; attenuating at least a portion of electromagnetic radiation received at the receiver by a presence of an object within a path of electromagnetic information; and detecting the attenuation to indicate a presence of the object. The object may be a low radar profile object, such as a stealth aircraft. The electromagnetic radiation is preferably microwave, but may also be radio frequency or infrared. By using triangulation and other geometric techniques, distance and position of the object may be computed.




Method and Device for Interpreting Concepts and Conceptual Thought from Brainwave Data and for Assisting for Diagnosis of Brainwave Disfunction
Patent #: US5392788 A
Publication date: Feb 28, 1995
Filing date: Feb 3, 1993



A system for acquisition and decoding of EP and SP signals is provided which comprises a transducer for presenting stimuli to a subject, EEG transducers for recording brainwave signals from the subject, a computer for controlling and synchronizing stimuli presented to the subject and for concurrently recording brainwave signals, and either interpreting signals using a model for conceptual perceptional and emotional thought to correspond EEG signals to thought of the subject or comparing signals to normative EEG signals from a normative population to diagnose and locate the origin of brain dysfunctional underlying perception, conception, and emotion.




Dream State Teaching Machine
Patent #: US5551879 A
Publication date: Sep 3, 1996
Filing date: Sep 16, 1994



A device for enhancing lucidity in the dream state of an individual. The device includes electronic circuitry incorporated into a headband for the user to wear while sleeping. The circuitry includes a detector for fitting adjacent to the eye of the sleeping individual, for detecting Rapid Eye Movement (REM), which occurs during the dream state. The detector emits a signal that is evaluated by additional circuitry to determine whether or not REM sleep is occurring. If REM sleep is occurring, a signal is generated to operate a recorded, which typically plays prerecorded messages through the headphones engaging the ear of the sleeping individual.




Non-contact Vital Signs Monitor
Patent #: US4958638 A
Publication date: Sep 25, 1990
Filing date: Jun 30, 1988



An apparatus for measuring simultaneous physiological parameters such as heart rate and respiration without physically connecting electrodes or other sensors to the body. A beam of frequency modulated continuous wave radio frequency energy is directed towards the body of a subject. The reflected signal contains phase information representing the movement of the surface of the body, from which respiration and heartbeat information can be obtained. The reflected phase modulated energy is received and demodulated by the apparatus using synchronous quadrature detection. The quadrature signals so obtained are then signal processed to obtain the heartbeat and respiratory information of interest.




Biolayer Interferometry Measurement of Biological Targets
Patent #: US8512950 B2
Publication date: Aug 20, 2013
Filing date: Jul 20, 2011



Disclosed are methods and compositions for the ultrasensitive detection of oligonucleotides, proteins, protein complexes, biomolecules, and infectious agents using a peroxidase driven deposition of substrates onto interferometry capable biosensors, coupled to the specific recognition of the target molecules. More specifically, methods are disclosed to specifically immobilize biological target molecules onto the surface of interferometry capable biosensors and to associate the target molecules with peroxidase enzymes. Through the peroxidase driven deposition of substrates onto the interferometry capable biosensors there is the ability to achieve ultrasensitive detection and quantification of specific target molecules.




Cold Atom Interferometry Sensor
Patent #: US8373112 B2
Publication date: Feb 12, 2013
Filing date: Mar 11, 2009



The disclosure relates to a cold atom interferometry sensor that includes: a source of atoms; a dual-frequency laser capable of generating a first Raman dual-frequency laser beam; a reflector arranged so as to reflect the first Raman dual-frequency laser beam in order to generate a second Raman dual-frequency laser beam, the first laser beam and the second laser beam propagating in different directions in order to obtain atomic interference fringes from the emission of cold atoms obtained from the atom source; characterized in that the reflector is further arranged so as to enable multiple reflections of the first beam on surfaces of the reflector, so that the first beam and the multiple reflections thereof allow the capture of atoms from the atom source in order to obtain the cold atoms.




Therapeutic Behavior Modification Program, Compliance Monitoring and Feedback System
Patent #: US6039688 A
Publication date: Mar 21, 2000
Filing date: Oct 31, 1997



A therapeutic behavior modification program, compliance monitoring and feedback system includes a server-based relational database and one or more microprocessors electronically coupled to the server. The system enables development of a therapeutic behavior modification program having a series of milestones for an individual to achieve lifestyle changes necessary to maintain his or her health or recover from ailments or medical procedures. The program may be modified by a physician or trained case advisor prior to implementation. The system monitors the individual’s compliance with the program by prompting the individual to enter health-related data, correlating the individual’s entered data with the milestones in the behavior modification program and generating compliance data indicative of the individual’s progress toward achievement of the program milestones. The system also includes an integrated system of graphical system interfaces for motivating the individual to comply with the program. Through the interfaces, the individual can access the database to review the compliance data and obtain health information from a remote source such as selected sites on the Internet. The system also provides an electronic calendar integrated with the behavior modification program for signaling the individual to take action pursuant to the behavior modification program in which the calendar accesses the relational database and integrates requirements of the program with the individual’s daily schedule, and an electronic journal for enabling the individual to enter personal health-related information into the system on a regular basis. In addition, the system includes an electronic meeting room for linking the individual to a plurality of other individuals having related behavior modification programs for facilitating group peer support sessions for compliance with the program. The system enables motivational media presentations to be made to the individuals in the electronic meeting room as part of the group support session to facilitate interactive group discussion about the presentations. The entire system is designed around a community of support motif including a graphical electronic navigator operable by the individual to control the microprocessor for accessing different parts of the system.




FM Theta-inducing Audible Sound, and Method, Device and Recorded Medium to Generate the Same
Patent #: US5954630 A
Publication date: Sep 21, 1999
Filing date: Sep 14, 1994



An audible sound of modulated wave where a very low-frequency wave of about 20 hertz or lower is superposed on an audio low-frequency wave effectively stimulates Fm theta in human brain waves to improve attention and concentration during mental tasks when auditorily administered. The audible sound is also effective in stimulation of human alpha wave when the very low-frequency wave lies within the range of about 2-10 hertz. Such audible sound is artificially obtainable by generating an electric signal which contains such a modulated wave, and transducing it into audible sound wave.




Magnetic Excitation of Sensory Resonances
Patent #: US5935054 A
Publication date: Aug 10, 1999
Filing date: Jun 7, 1995



The invention pertains to influencing the nervous system of a subject by a weak externally applied magnetic field with a frequency near 1/2 Hz. In a range of amplitudes, such fields can excite the 1/2 sensory resonance, which is the physiological effect involved in « rocking the baby ». The wave form of the stimulating magnetic field is restricted by conditions on the spectral power density, imposed in order to avoid irritating the brain and the risk of kindling. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or arousal, and clinically for the control of tremors, seizures, and emotional disorders.




Electric Fringe Field Generator for Manipulating Nervous Systems
Patent #: US6081744 A
Publication date: Jun 27, 2000
Filing date: Jul 17, 1998



Apparatus and method for manipulating the nervous system of a subject through afferent nerves, modulated by externally applied weak fluctuating electric fields, tuned to certain frequencies such as to excite a resonance in neural circuits. Depending on the frequency chosen, excitation of such resonances causes in a human subject relaxation, sleepiness, sexual excitement, or the slowing of certain cortical processes. The electric field used for stimulation of the subject is induced by a pair of field electrodes charged to opposite polarity and placed such that the subject is entirely outside the space between the field electrodes. Such configuration allows for very compact devices where the field electrodes and a battery-powered voltage generator are contained in a small casing, such as a powder box. The stimulation by the weak external electric field relies on frequency modulation of spontaneous spiking patterns of afferent nerves. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps the treatment of tremors and seizures, and disorders of the autonomic nervous system, such as panic attacks.




Brain Wave Inducing System
Patent #: US5954629 A
Publication date: Sep 21, 1999
Filing date: January 31, 1997



Sensors are provided for detecting brain waves of a user, and a band-pass filter is provided for extracting a particular brain waves including an .alpha. wave included in a detected brain wave. The band-pass filter comprises a first band-pass filter having a narrow pass band, and a second band-pass filter having a wide pass band. One of the first and second band-pass filters is selected, and a stimulation signal is produced in dependency on an .alpha. wave extracted by a selected band-pass filter. In accordance with the stimulation signal, a stimulation light is emitted to the user in order to induce the user to relax or sleeping state.




Brain Wave Inducing Apparatus
Patent #: US5330414 A
Publication date: Jul 19, 1994
Filing date: Feb 11, 1992



A random signal generator outputs a random noise signal to a band pass filter which selectively passes frequency components in the frequency range of a desired brain wave from a subject. The output of the band pass filter is supplied to an automatic level controller. The automatic level controller sets the output of band pass filter to a predetermined amplitude. Then, the output of the automatic level controller is fed to a stimulating light generator, which converts the output of the automatic level controller into a light signal for stimulating the subject in order to induce the desired brain wave from the subject. The light signal is then emitted into the subject’s eyes.




Method and an Associated Apparatus for Remotely Determining Information as to Person’s Emotional State
Patent #: US5507291 A
Publication date: Apr 16, 1996
Filing date: Apr 5, 1994



In a method for remotely determining information relating to a person’s emotional state, an waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual’s emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compared with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating interviewee’s responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas.




Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness
Patent #: US5356368 A
Publication date: Oct 18, 1994
Filing date: Mar 1, 1991



Improved methods and apparatus for entraining human brain patterns, employing frequency following response (FFR) techniques, facilitate attainment of desired states of consciousness. In one embodiment, a plurality of electroencephalogram (EEG) waveforms, characteristic of a given state of consciousness, are combined to yield an EEG waveform to which subjects may be susceptible more readily. In another embodiment, sleep patterns are reproduced based on observed brain patterns during portions of a sleep cycle; entrainment principles are applied to induce sleep. In yet another embodiment, entrainment principles are applied in the work environment, to induce and maintain a desired level of consciousness. A portable device also is described.




Method and Apparatus for Analyzing Neurological Response to Emotion-inducing Stimuli
Patent #: US6292688 B1
Publication date: Sep 18, 2001
Filing date: Feb 28, 1996



A method of determining the extent of the emotional response of a test subject to stimului having a time-varying visual content, for example, an advertising presentation. The test subject is positioned to observe the presentation for a given duration, and a path of communication is established between the subject and a brain wave detector/analyzer. The intensity component of each of at least two different brain wave frequencies is measured during the exposure, and each frequency is associated with a particular emotion. While the subject views the presentation, periodic variations in the intensity component of the brain waves of each of the particular frequencies selected is measured. The change rates in the intensity at regular periods during the duration are also measured. The intensity change rates are then used to construct a graph of plural coordinate points, and these coordinate points graphically establish the composite emotional reaction of the subject as the presentation continues.




Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors
Patent #: US6506148 B2
Publication date: Jan 14, 2003
Filing date: Jun 1, 2001



Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.




Psycho-Acoustic Projector
Patent #: US3566347 A
Publication date: Feb 23, 1971
Filing date: Apr 27, 1967



A system for producing aural psychological disturbances and partial deafness in the enemy during combat situations.




Method of Inducing Harmonious States of Being
Patent #: US6135944 A
Publication date: Oct 24, 2000
Filing date: Nov 6, 1998



A method of inducing harmonious states of being using vibrational stimuli, preferably sound, comprised of a multitude of frequencies expressing a specific pattern of relationship. Two base signals are modulated by a set of ratios to generate a plurality of harmonics. The harmonics are combined to form a « fractal » arrangement.




Method and System for Altering Consciousness
Patent #: US5123899 A
Publication date: Jun 23, 1992
Filing date: Jan 17, 1991



A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having differing frequencies and wave forms. The relationship between the frequencies of the several stimuli is exhibited by the equation

g=sn/4 ·f

f=frequency of one stimulus;
g=frequency of the other stimuli of stimulus; and
n=a positive or negative integer which is different for each other stimulus.




Silent Subliminal Presentation System
Patent #: US5159703 A
Publication date: Oct 27, 1992
Filing date: Dec 28, 1989



A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.




Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems
Patent #: US6017302 A
Publication date: Jan 25, 2000
Filing date: Oct 31, 1997



In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.




Apparatus and Method of Broadcasting Audible Sound using Ultrasonic Sound as a Carrier
Patent #: US6052336 A
Publication date: Apr 18, 2000
Filing date: May 1, 1998



An ultrasonic sound source broadcasts an ultrasonic signal which is amplitude and/or frequency modulated with an information input signal originating from an information input source. If the signals are amplitude modulated, a square root function of the information input signal is produced prior to modulation. The modulated signal, which may be amplified, is then broadcast via a projector unit, whereupon an individual or group of individuals located in the broadcast region detect the audible sound.




FM Theta-inducing Audible Sound, and Method, Device and Recorded Medium to Generate the Same
Patent #: US5954630 A
Publication date: Sep 21, 1999
Filing date: Sep 14, 1994



An audible sound of modulated wave where a very low-frequency wave of about 20 hertz or lower is superposed on an audio low-frequency wave effectively stimulates Fm theta in human brain waves to improve attention and concentration during mental tasks when auditorily administered. The audible sound is also effective in stimulation of human alpha wave when the very low-frequency wave lies within the range of about 2-10 hertz. Such audible sound is artificially obtainable by generating an electric signal which contains such a modulated wave, and transducing it into audible sound wave.




Apparatus for Electric Stimulation of Auditory Nerves of a Human Being
Patent #: US5922016 A
Publication date: Jul 13, 1999
Filing date: Jan 26, 1996



Apparatus for electric stimulation and diagnostics of auditory nerves of a human being, e.g. for determination of sensation level (SL), most conformable level (MCL) and uncomfortable level (UCL) audibility curves, includes a stimulator detachably secured to a human being for sending a signal into a human ear, and an electrode placed within the human ear and electrically connected to the stimulator by an electric conductor for conducting the signals from the stimulator into the ear. A control unit is operatively connected to the stimulator for instructing the stimulator as to characteristics of the generated signals being transmitted to the ear.




Method and Apparatus for Introducing Subliminal Changes to Audio Stimuli
Patent #: US5215468 A
Publication date: Jun 1, 1993
Filing date: Mar 11, 1991



A method and apparatus for introducing gradual changes to an audio signal so that the changes are subliminal. The changes can involve tempo and volume, for example, and can take the form of a gentle gradient having ever increasing/decreasing ramp-like changes over a sufficient duration, or a more complex program involving several gentle gradients. In the preferred embodiment, an enhanced audio play-back device such as a portable audio cassette recorder can be programmed to subliminally alter the characteristics of a standard pre-recorded tape containing music, for example. As a motivational tool during walking, jogging or other repetitive exercise, the tempo is gradually increased over a period of time to encourage a corresponding gradual (and subliminal) increase in physical exertion by a user whose rate of movement is proportional to the tempo of the music. The tempo can be either manually changed in conjunction with a subliminal program, or by itself in an override mode, or by itself in a version of the present-inventive audio play-back device which allows only manual tempo alternation. In an alternate embodiment, a special pre-recorded tape contains subliminal changes in tempo, for example, for play-back on a standard audio cassette recorder (which operates at one speed, only) to cause the same effect as the preferred embodiment.




Method and Recording for Producing Sounds and Messages to Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Humans
Patent #: US5586967 A
Publication date: Dec 24, 1996
Filing date: Jun 27, 1994



A method and recording for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave states and effecting positive emotional states in humans, is provided which includes a medium having a musical composition thereon with an initial tempo decreasing to a final tempo and verbal phrases recorded in synchrony with the decreasing tempo.




Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communications System
Patent #: US5539705 A
Publication date: Jul 23, 1996
Filing date: Oct 27, 1994



A wireless communication system undetectable by radio frequency methods for converting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ultrasonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by way of acoustical pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids, or solids, and reconverting the ultrasonic acoustical pressure waves back to the original audio signal. The ultrasonic speech translator and communication system (20) includes an ultrasonic transmitting device (100) and an ultrasonic receiving device (200). The ultrasonic transmitting device (100) accepts as input (115) an audio signal such as human voice input from a microphone (114) or tape deck. The ultrasonic transmitting device (100) frequency modulates an ultrasonic carrier signal with the audio signal producing a frequency modulated ultrasonic carrier signal, which is transmitted via acoustical pressure waves across a carrier medium such as gases, liquids or solids. The ultrasonic receiving device (200) converts the frequency modulated ultrasonic acoustical pressure waves to a frequency modulated electronic signal, demodulates the audio signal from the ultrasonic carrier signal, and conditions the demodulated audio signal to reproduce the original audio signal at its output (250).




Apparatus Particularly for use in the Determination of the Condition of the Vegetative part of the Nervous System
Patent #: US5522386 A
Publication date: Jun 4, 1996
Filing date: Apr 29, 1992



Apparatus for use in the determination of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system and/or of sensory functions of an organism, i.e. a human being or animal. The apparatus comprises devices for generating and supplying to said organism at least one sensory stimulus chosen from a group of sensory stimuli, such as visual, sound, olfactory, gustatory, tactile or pain stimuli, and devices for measuring the skin potential and the evoked response of the organism to a stimulus. The measured data are processed by processing devices for automatically controlling the supply of at least one stimulus for providing a non-rhythmical sequence of stimuli. Preferably, pairs of stimuli are supplied for developing a conditioned reflex.




Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Consciousness, Including Specific Mental Activity, in Human Beings
Patent #: US5213562 A
Publication date: May 25, 1993
Filing date: Apr 25, 1990



A method having applicability in replication of desired consciousness states; in the training of an individual to replicate such a state of consciousness without further audio stimulation; and in the transferring of such states from one human being to another through the imposition of one individual’s EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals, on another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon.




Silent Subliminal Presentation System
Patent #: US5159703 A
Publication date: Oct 27, 1992
Filing date: Dec 28, 1989



A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.




Method and Apparatus for Inducing and Establishing a Changed State of Consciousness
Patent #: US5151080 A
Publication date: Sep 29, 1992
Filing date: Aug 28, 1990



An electroacoustic device includes a sound generator as well as a system for producing synthetic human speech, connected to a modulation stage for superimposing the output signals thereof. The superimposed output signals are applied via an amplifier stage to one of a headphone system or loudspeaker system.




Method and Apparatus of Varying the Brain State of a Person by means of an Audio Signal
Patent #: US5135468 A
Publication date: Aug 4, 1992
Filing date: Aug 2, 1990



A method of varying the brain state of a person includes the steps of supplying the first audio signal to one ear of the person, supplying a second audio signal to the other ear of the person, and substantially continuously varying the frequency of at least one of the first and second audio signals to vary the brain state of the person.




Method and Apparatus for Changing Brain Wave Frequency
Patent #: US5036858 A
Publication date: Aug 6, 1991
Filing date: Mar 22, 1990



A method for changing brain wave frequency to a desired frequency determines a current brain wave frequency of a user, generates two frequencies with a frequency difference of a magnitude between that of the current actual brain wave frequency and the desired frequency but always within a predetermined range of the current actual brain wave frequency, and produces an output to the user corresponding to the two frequencies. One apparatus to accomplish the method has a computer processor, a computer memory, EEG electrodes along with an amplifier, a programmable timing generator responsive to the computer processor for generating the two frequencies, audio amplifiers and a beat frequency generator driving a visual frequency amplifier.




Non-invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals through an External Magnetic or Electric Field to Reduce Pain
Patent #: US4889526 A
Publication date: Dec 26, 1989
Filing date: Nov 13, 1987



This invention incorporates the discovery of new principles which utilize magnetic and electric fields generated by time varying square wave currents of precise repetition, width, shape and magnitude to move through coils and cutaneously applied conductive electrodes in order to stimulate the nervous system and reduce pain in humans. Timer means, adjustment means, and means to deliver current to the coils and conductive electrodes are described, as well as a theoretical model of the process. The invention incorporates the concept of two cyclic expanding an collapsing magnetic fields which generate precise wave forms in conjunction with each other to create a beat frequency which in turn causes the ion flow in the nervous system of the human body to be efficiency moved along the nerve path where the locus of the pain exists to thereby reduce the pain. The wave forms are create either in one or more coils, one or more pairs of electrodes, or a combination of the two.




Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to induce and Control Carious Psychological and Physiological States and to Control a Musical Instrument
Patent #: US4883067 A
Publication date: Nov 28, 1989
Filing date: May 15, 1987



A method and apparatus for applying a musical feedback signal to the human brain, or any other brain, to induce controllable psychological and physiological responses. A signal representing the ongoing electroencephalographic (EEG) signal of a brain preferably is obtained from the electrode location on the scalp known as CZ or P3 in clinical notation. A signal processor converts the ongoing EEG into electrical signals which are converted into music by synthesizers. The music is acoustically fed back to the brain after a time delay calculated to shift the phase of the feedback in order to reinforce specific or desired ongoing EEG activity from the scalp position of interest. The music is comprised of at least one voice that follows the moment-by-moment contour of the EEG in real time to reinforce the desired EEG activity. The music drives the brain into resonance with the music to provide a closed loop or physiological feedback effect. Preferably, the musical feedback comprises additional voices that embody psychoacoustic principles as well as provide the content and direction normally supplied by the therapist in conventional biofeedback. The invention contemplates numerous applications for the results obtained.




Method for Stimulating the Falling Asleep and/or Relaxing Behavior of a Person and an Arrangement Therefor
Patent #: US4573449 A
Publication date: Mar 4, 1986
Filing date: Mar 8, 1983



A method and apparatus is provided with which a person suffering from sleeplessness can be more easily relaxed and may more rapidly fall asleep. In particular, sound pulses are emitted by an electro-acoustic transducer, according to the cadence of which, the person seeking to fall asleep is induced to breathe in and out over a predetermined period of time. By suitably selecting the pulse sequence frequency, the pitch and the amplitude of the sound pulses may be adjusted thereby enhancing the process of falling asleep.




Shadow Generating Apparatus
Patent #: US4508105 A
Publication date: Apr 2, 1985
Filing date: Feb 8, 1983



Disclosed is an apparatus for inducing various brain wave patterns through visual stimulation. The apparatus comprises a pair of spectacles or other viewing apparatus having a liquid crystal display embedded in each lens. By repetitively activating and deactivating the liquid crystals, shadows are generated which are perceived by the subject individual wearing the viewing apparatus. Responding to the frequency of shadow generation, the subject’s brain is thereby induced to generate sympathetic brain wave frequencies. The apparatus finds particular utility in the generation of alpha waves. Because learning is enhanced when the brain is in the alpha state, activities such as listening to tapes or lectures and the like can be carried out with greater facility. Shadow generation is accomplished through the use of a timing mechanism for each liquid crystal display and the frequency for each is adjustable over a wide range, permitting synchronous or asynchronous timing.




Method and Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-like Audible Signal
Patent #: US4191175 A
Publication date: Mar 4, 1980
Filing date: Jan 16, 1978



A digital pulse generator and shift register repetitively produce bursts of digital pulses at a first adjustable repetition frequency. The repetition frequency of the pulses in each burst is also adjustable. A pink noise filter accentuates the lower burst frequency components near 7 hz and substantially attenuates all frequency components of the bursts above a first cut-off point near 10 Khz. A tunable band pass amplifier having a center frequency adjustable over a preselected range of frequencies optimally detectable by the average human ear accentuates the pink noise filter output near 2.6 Khz. The tunable amplifier drives an audible signal source with noise-like pulses of varying amplitudes and frequency components. A low pass amplifier may be connected to the pink noise filter to generate a train of pulses having a repetition frequency near 7 hz which pulses a light source in synchronism with the audible noise-like signal.




Noise Generator and Transmitter
Patent #: US4034741 A
Publication date: Jul 12, 1977
Filing date: Feb 17, 1976



An analgesic noise generator employs a circuit that can be switched to provide a variable waveform from an active noise source out of an integrated circuit amplifier.




Multichannel System for and a Multifactorial Method of Controlling the Nervous System of a Living Organism
Patent #: US3967616 A
Publication date: Jul 6, 1976
Filing date: Sep 5, 1974



A novel method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism for therapeutic and research purposes, among other applications, and an electronic system utilized in, and enabling the practice of, the invented method. Bioelectrical signals generated in specifictopological areas of the organism’s nervous system, typically areas of the brain, are processed by the invented system so as to produce a sensory stimulus if the system detects the presence or absence, as the case may be, of certain characteristics in the waveform patterns of the bioelectrical signals being monitored. The coincidence of the same or different characteristics in two or more waveform patterns, or the non-coincidence thereof, may be correlated with a certain desired condition of the organism’s nervous system; likewise, with respect to the coincidence or non-coincidence of different characteristics of a single waveform pattern. In any event, the sensory stimulus provided by the invented system, typically an audio or visual stimulus, or combination thereof, is fed back to the organism which associates its presence with the goal of achieving the desired condition of its nervous system. Responding to the stimulus, the organism can be trained to control the waveform patterns of the monitored bioelectrical signals and thereby, control its own nervous system. The results of the coincidence function permit results heretofore unobtainable.




Method of Inducing and Maintaining Various Stages of Sleep in the Human Being
Patent #: US3884218 A
Publication date: May 20, 1975
Filing date: Sep 30, 1970



A method of inducing sleep in a human being wherein an audio signal is generated comprising a familiar pleasing repetitive sound modulated by an EEG sleep pattern. The volume of the audio signal is adjusted to overcome the ambient noise and a subject can select a familiar repetitive sound most pleasing to himself.




System and Method for Controlling the Nervous System of a Living Organism
Patent #: US3837331 A
Publication date: Sep 24, 1974
Filing date: Oct 24, 1972



A novel method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism for therapeutic and research purposes, among other applications, and an electronic system utilized in, and enabling the practice of the invented method. Bioelectrical signals generated in specific topological areas of the organism’s nervous system, typically areas of the brain, are processed by the invented system so as to produce an output signal which is in some way an analog of selected characteristics detected in the bioelectrical signal. The output of the system, typically an audio or visual signal, is fed back to the organism as a stimulus. Responding to the stimulus, the organism can be trained to control the waveform pattern of the bioelectrical signal generated in its own nervous system.




Method for Obtaining Neurophysiological Effects
Patent #: US3835833 A
Publication date: Sep 17, 1974
Filing date: Sep 21, 1972



A method and apparatus for obtaining neurophysiological effects on the central and/or peripheral systems of a patient. Electrodes are suitably positioned on the body of the patient and a composite electric signal is applied at the electrodes. The composite signal is formed by the superpositioning of two signals: a first signal which is a rectified high-frequency carrier modulated in amplitude to about 100 percent by substantially square-shaped pulses whose duration, amplitude and frequency are chosen according to the neurophysiological effects desidered, and a second signal which has a relatively white noise spectrum. The mean value of the first electric signal has a predetermined sign which is opposite the sign of the mean value of the second electric signal.




Apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and vhf Electromagnetic Radiation
Patent #: US3773049 A
Publication date: Nov 20, 1973
Filing date: Nov 13, 1970



An apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders wherein light-, sound-, VHF electromagnetic field-pulses and radiation from light-, sound-, VHF electromcagnetic field- and heat-sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patient’s central nervous system with a predermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are made so as to exert an adequate and monotonous influence of the light-and sound-radiation on the patient’s visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively.




Hearing Aid for Producing Sensations in the Brain
Patent #: US3766331 A
Publication date: Oct 16, 1973
Filing date: Nov 24, 1971



A pulsed oscillator or transmitter supplies energy to a pair of insulated electrodes mounted on a person’s neck. The transmitter produces pulses of intensity greater than a predetermined threshold value and of a width and rate so as to produce the sensation of hearing without use of the auditory canal thereby providing a hearing system enabling otherwise deaf people to hear.




Electronic System for the Stimulation of Biological Systems
Patent #: US3727616 A
Publication date: Apr 17, 1973
Filing date: Jun 15, 1971



A receiver totally implanted within a living body is inductively coupled by two associated receiving coils to a physically unattached external transmitter which transmits two signals of different frequencies to the receiver via two associated transmitting coils. One of the signals from the transmitter provides the implanted receiver with precise control or stimulating signals which are demodulated and processed in a signal processor network in the receiver and then used by the body for stimulation of a nerve, for example, while the other signal provides the receiver with a continuous wave power signal which is rectified in the receiver to provide a source of electrical operating power for the receiver circuitry without need for an implanted battery.




Method and Apparatus for Producing Swept Frequency-modulated Audio Signal Patterns for Inducing Sleep
Patent #: US3712292 A
Publication date: Jan 23, 1973
Filing date: Jul 20, 1971



A method of producing sound signals for inducing sleep in a human being, and apparatus therefor together with REPRESENTATIONS thereof in recorded form, wherein an audio signal is generated representing a familiar, pleasing, repetitive sound, modulated by continuously sweeping frequencies in two selected frequency ranges having the dominant frequencies which occur in electrical wave patterns of the human brain during certain states of sleep. The volume of the audio signal is adjusted to mask the ambient noise and the subject can select any of several familiar, repetitive sounds most pleasing to him.




Method and System for Simplifying Speech Waveforms
Patent #: US3647970 A
Publication date: Mar 7, 1972
Filing date: Aug 29, 1968



A speech waveform is converted to a constant amplitude square wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are spaced so as to carry the speech information. The system includes a pair of tuned amplifier circuits which act as high-pass filters having a 6 decibel per octave slope from 0 to 15,000 cycles followed by two stages, each comprised of an amplifier and clipper circuit, for converting the filtered waveform to a square wave. A radio transmitter and receiver having a plurality of separate channels within a conventional single side band transmitter bandwidth and a system for transmitting secure speech information are also disclosed.




Sleep-inducing Method and Arrangement Using Modulated Sound and Light
Patent #: US3576185 A
Publication date: Apr 27, 1971
Filing date: Jun 19, 1968





Nervous System Excitation Device
Patent #: US3393279 A
Publication date: Jul 16, 1968
Filing date: Mar 13, 1962



A method of transmitting audio information via a radio frequency signal modulated with the audio info through electrodes placed on the subject’s skin, causing the sensation of hearing the audio information in the brain.